Trans VR Porn on Microsoft Mixed Reality

Get started with Microsoft MR


Video Specifications

Maximum expected video specs 4096x2048 60FPS 180º stereo or 4096x4096 30FPS 360º mono

Viewing Options

Downloaded videos could be played locally, streamed in browser with WebVR player (lowest quality). It's expected the original 5K/6K quality will be available with viewport technology soon.

VRB Trans Review

  • Variety
  • Improved graphics
  • High price
  • Complicated setup
  • Content
  • Visual Quality
  • Variety

Microsoft MR Trans VR Porn Videos

Watch Shemale VR Porn Videos on Windows Mixed Reality in 360 and 180 Degrees

Windows Mixed Reality - one project, limitless possibilities. WMR is a project developed by most innovative hardware brands like Acer, Dell, HP, Lenovo and Samsung. Goggles combine the best parts of the augmented reality technology and support them with the virtual reality features, creating a brand new immersive mixed reality to the delight of all tech fans and shemale VR porn viewers. There is plenty of headsets to choose from, since brands working under the WMR program worked independently on their own designs while maintaining the standards of the whole brand to make it unique and stable at the same time.

For now we can choose between Acer WMR Headset, Dell WMR Visor, HP WMR Headset, Lenovo Explorer and, so far the best one of them, Samsung HMD Odyssey goggles. None of those is going under 2880 x 1440 resolution, 105° field of view or 90Hz of refresh rate, so they will all work smooth and seamlessly while watching 60FPS shemale 3D VR Porn in 4K-8K for WMR by VRB Trans.


Naturally they are all lightweight and containing the key features of the whole project, like hinged display, making watching everything much easier; ultra-high resolution visor to follow up the newest trends in technology; premium comfort assured by the materials of the highest quality and motion controllers with no need for additional detectors - everything is tracked directly by the headset sensors, so there is no wall markers required.

All of these features and built-in tools make these goggles a solution with natural responsiveness, in-sync with the user's movements and accurate control - we might not have the pads support in our 3D transsexual VR porn movies in both 180 and 360 yet, but only time will show what is to come. Pick one from variety of headsets to choose from, wear them and enjoy the endless immersion on VRB Trans virtual reality shemale porn films in 4K-8K ultra uigh-definition!

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Date: May 24, 2023
