New Year's Eve Extends the VR Bangers' Promo!

date_range December 30, 2017
local_offer VR Bangers

2017 is coming to an end, guys! Do you know what does that mean? The epic time of parties, fun and never ending waterfalls of drink is about to come, giving us all the one last opportunity to have a bail and do some crazy crap - and yes, in Shemale VR Porn style as well! Since VR Bangers have just started working with you, the Transsexual Virtual Reality Porn viewers community, it will be the first New Year's Even spent together with each other - that is exactly why we wanted to make the very first of such occasions a special and unique one, so we have decided to extend the Christmas Promo, while giving you another opportunity to stay with us longer or join our little TS VR Porn family!

So what exactly are VR Bangers Trans extending?

We are going all in as we have decided to lengthen the whole deal, extending the double subscription time together with the reduced prices of all packs. This means that the festive atmosphere will stay with both you and us guys for few more days, so each of you will be able to stay with us twice as long or join us on the best conditions ever.

The differences in prices are as follows:

• First of all, there will be a brand new time limited option – a 1-day trial – available for all of you who are not our members yet, but are thinking about joining our family, while not being certain about it - those of you who would like to browse the first. New option will be available for $0.99 per day, making it more expensive than the other ones, but still very encouraging. • The "1 Month (Full access)" option is getting doubled, so it will last not for 1 but for 2 months and its’ price will fall from $19.95 to $19.80making it all more approachable for all of you – daily price will be reduced from $0.67 to $0.33. • The "3 Months (Full access)" will also last for twice as long now, offering 6 months instead of 3 with a price discount from $39.95 to $39.60. Together, giving a reduction in the daily price from $0.44 to $0.22. • Naturally, the biggest package AKA "1 Year (Full access)", will also get cheaper (and twice as long), dropping the price from $89.95 to $87.60, offering the lowest of all 1-day rate of $0.11 instead of $0.25.

So for how long is the promotion rolling in the end?

We would really love it to make a permanent one, but we could not call it a promotion then, right? That is why we are making it last a little longer - to be precise, from December 29th 2017 to January 2nd 2018 - yet ending it at some point of the new year. We did not plan to extend it, to be honest, but since you have all been so active and enthusiastic about this deal, we just could not make it end just like that. Happy New Year guys and do not forget to look at every day, not to miss any of our incoming deals - these are not our final words, we swear!